If you are a florist, flower grower or a flower lover and anticipate being knackered by the end of the season, then this day is for you. Join us for a relaxed day in The Fig House at Middleton Lodge. A day with like-minded flower folk, all in need of tea, gin, good food, a chat, a wander around a superb walled garden.
This is a day off the flowers for us all, but, there will be a floral demonstration and all guests will have the opportunity to discuss the business of flowers as well as strategies for keeping well and maintaining momentum through the course of a new year.
The day includes a very good lunch; a stunning hotel for those who fancy an overnight stay; and we will be joined by photographer Eva Nemeth, who will share photography tips and take photos throughout the day.
There are reduced rates for 10 rooms at the hotel (other rooms are also available) and we will organise a dinner for anyone who would like to stay overnight or to join just for the evening.
Expect to laugh a lot, and make a few new friends (or see some old ones).
Please contact Sarah for a document containing full information about the day.
Price £250. (NB this price is for the daytime event only and does not include accommodation or evening meal)
Please fill in the form below or call me on 07772518298 if you would like to discuss booking this workshop.